I hate to say this but a lot of people talk about taking action but never actually get around to making things happen.
It’s easy to be inspired when a hot idea strikes you, but if you don’t act while the emotion is strong, the feeling will eventually fade away and no progress will be made. Time will pass and the emotion will become cold and stale.
Possessing an idea in the moment is not enough to make it real. You’ve got to nurture your idea to life.
Most folks have good intentions and talk a big game, but never actually get off the sidelines to play.
Be different than the majority of people.
Take IMMEDIATE action when the idea is still hot and fresh. Don’t neglect your idea only to let it die without having a chance to grow.
WANT TO WRITE? Then pick up a pen and write whatever comes to mind in this moment.
WANT TO MEDITATE? Then sit down wherever you are and be still.
WANT TO LEAVE YOUR JOB? Then pull out your resume and update it.
WANT TO START A BUSINESS? Then begin mapping out your business model and strategy.
WANT TO GET BACK INTO SHAPE? Then put on your shoes and start with a walk around the block.
WANT TO BUILD BETTER RELATIONSHIPS? Then call up a friend and let them know you’re grateful to have them in your life.
The time to act is when the excitement is high and you’re feeling inspired. Even the smallest action to support your idea will begin building momentum in the right direction.
Don’t neglect the ideas that you’re blessed to have and commit to taking disciplined action to make them happen!
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